austin texas headshot photography by steven noreyko

headshots by steven noreyko

Professional portraits for actors, corporate, business and more

Profiles with pictures are more likely to be viewed.

The Internet is awash in articles on how to improve your LinkedIn profile. Many of them cite research stating that profiles with a picture are X times more likely to be viewed than a profile without a photo. Depending on the article, this might be seven, eleven or even fourteen times more likely to be viewed. I wasn’t able to find the specific research studies to back up these claims, but even if a photo was to just double the number of profile views, it would certainly be worthwhile (especially in a job search).

Once you’ve gotten that profile view, don’t you want to make a great first impression?

This quote from Tom Humbarger’s Social Media Musings blog sums it up:

The worst thing you can do on LinkedIn is to not have a profile picture, and the second worst thing you can do is have a profile picture that leaves an unprofessional impression…

The simplest advice is to look at your photo and ask yourself, would you hire this person?

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